Cultivate Blog

Why clients are raving about Cultivate

In a rapidly evolving B2B landscape, standing out and building trust is the key to establishing long-lasting, reliable...

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All the days to gift Cultivate

As we enter the second half of the year, now is the time to refresh and invigorate your appreciation strategies! Why?...

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Celebrating 4 years of Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

At Cultivate, the heartbeat of our success lies in delivering exceptional appreciation and gifting programs. In our...

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Show your gratitude this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is our favorite time of year because it’s what Cultivate is all about — coming together to share your...

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Getting loud about quiet quitting and how to stop it in its tracks

With the Great Resignation wave still rolling along, accompanied by mass layoffs across various industries, 2023 is...

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Consumable gifts are no cakewalk

Building an inclusive company culture takes effort and mindfulness from the inside out — rituals such as birthdays and...

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IMEX America 2022

Welcome to Las Vegas! IMEX America is one of the largest trade shows in the United States for the incentives, events,...

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Attitude of gratitude

Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving. Appreciating and recognizing people in your organization is not only a way...

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Meet our team: Pet appreciation

Working from home has its benefits. Among many, a collective favorite is being able to work from home with our favorite...

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Why appreciating and celebrating milestones matter

Company and career milestones are significant moments that mark a company’s or person’s individual career development...

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Building company culture that lasts

Sixty-nine million people quit their jobs in The United States last year. 🤯 Since then, companies have seen a drastic...

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The work perks of Employee Appreciation Day

Mark your calendars; Employee Appreciation Day is right around the corner! March 4th is the day dedicated to...

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Event Gifting from a new perspective

A few short months ago, I was hired as a Marketing Coordinator at Cultivate. Since then, I’ve become more acquainted...

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A final farewell to 2021

Last year, you really showed up—online and on-site—from inviting people to select a gift of their choice to offering...

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Q1 encouragement your team needs

Great sports teams that succeed all have one thing in common: team spirit. Team spirit is when a group of people feels...

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Appreciating people shouldn’t be limited to the holidays

The holidays are in full swing, and most of us are making time to appreciate our family, friends, and colleagues. While...

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Lead your team through a successful Q4

Q4 is here, which means companies are rounding the corner towards the finish line to achieve end-of-year goals. During...

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Creating a people-centric culture

Employees are a company’s greatest asset and biggest differentiator. Creating a people-centric culture means thinking...

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How to be a cheerleader for your people

People need encouragement. In fact, we all thrive on positive reinforcement whether or not we’re willing to admit it....

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Employee recognition yields real results

Think of a time when you were shown appreciation at work. If we had to guess, that moment of recognition made you feel...

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Home office essentials we can’t live without

Working from home means forgoing the in-office essentials we’ve all come to love. From making a mid-day espresso to the...

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From start-up to scale-up

More than a stroke of good luck, Cultivate started in a basement home in 2010 and has since worked to appreciate and...

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Let’s Cultivate Good Cheer

Whether managing a team of three from a co-working space, or overseeing thousands across offices nationwide, a...

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Community outreach: raising awareness for local homeless youth

Last week Cultivate was joined by two other local companies, Arcana Restaurant, and Vapor Distillery, for a dinner to...

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