Cultivate Blog

Posted by Jenny McGee on 5/2/23 8:00 AM

Nowadays, B2B sales and marketing teams have an array of tech tools and data to reach buyers, but despite that, buyers rarely feel disconnected because that human element of effective appreciation is missing. Alas, these teams often lose their ability to connect on a personal level, which can negatively impact the relationships they’re trying to build. 

Still, many B2B sales and marketing leaders have learned that returning to proven tactics like inviting people to select a gift of their choice can be a significant addition to their outreach strategy. And help generate a worthwhile return on investment.

Research shows that B2B gifting has the power to open the door to decision-makers who work in the following five teams: Sales, Marketing, Finance, CX, and HR. Yet, in saturated markets, fast-paced environments, and a digitally dominated world, it can be easy to forget that people are analogous. Thus, why gifting is such a powerful tool for creating and fostering meaningful connections. 

Recently, an independent research agency studied the effects of B2B appreciation and drilled down into how gifting affects decision-makers on the five teams outlined above. Continue reading to get a breakdown of the key findings. Heads up: the results may surprise you! 

Do you always feel a human connection with the sales reps who are selling solutions to your company?

  • Sales: 37% 
  • Marketing: 20% 
  • Finance: 44% 
  • CX: 35% 
  • HR: 50% 

Do you feel overwhelmed with the number of sales reps trying to sell into your organization?

  • Sales: 63% 
  • Marketing: 67% 
  • Finance: 67% 
  • CX: 45% 
  • HR: 61% 

Can you still remember a gift you received from a sales rep over two years ago?

  • Sales: 93% 
  • Marketing: 93% 
  • Finance: 78% 
  • CX: 70% 
  • HR: 89% 

The average is 85%, which is an excellent representation of how beneficial gifting can be for creating lasting impressions and nurturing relationships.


Have you ever sent a thank-you note to a sales rep for a gift?

  • Sales: 89% 
  • Marketing: 87% 
  • Finance: 72% 
  • CX: 75% 
  • HR: 83% 

At what stage do you usually receive gifts from sales reps?

  • Sales: Warm outreach 
  • Marketing: After a proposal
  • Finance: Post-demo
  • CX: Warm outreach 
  • HR: Sales call to follow up  

If you receive a gift, does that positively affect the outcome of a deal?

  • Sales: 87% 
  • Marketing: 87% 
  • Finance: 87% 
  • CX: 87% 
  • HR: 87% 

Wow! We already know gifting can be a powerful tool in building rapport, showing appreciation, and influencing outcomes in deal-making scenarios. And this further proves that gifting can create a sense of goodwill and gratitude from the recipient towards the giver, which can help to establish a positive working relationship. Gifting can also help to differentiate the giver from other parties involved in the deal, making them stand out as a thoughtful and attentive partner. This can be particularly effective in competitive environments, where small gestures can make a big difference. Last but not least, gifting can be used strategically to incentivize the recipient to take specific actions, such as signing a contract or agreeing to specific terms.


What percentage of gifts have been valued between $50 and $100? 

  • Sales: 67% 
  • Marketing: 80% 
  • Finance: 72% 
  • CX: 60% 
  • HR: 44% 

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It’s no secret that gifting can have a significant impact on sales, marketing, finance, customer experience, and human resources decision-makers in any organization. For sales and marketing, gifting can be an effective way to build relationships with clients and prospects, as well as to incentivize and reward high-performing sales reps. In terms of finance, in some cases, gifting programs can have tax benefits and can be used to manage budgets effectively. For CX, gifting can be a way to show appreciation to loyal customers, improve their experience with the brand, and increase the chances of repeat business. Finally, in HR, gifting can be used to recognize employee achievements and milestones, boost morale, and strengthen the company culture. 

Overall, gifting can be a powerful tool for organizations to achieve their business goals and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders — something everyone can benefit from. Ready to learn more about how to harness the power of great gifting? Connect with an expert today. We’d love to tell you more! 


Topics: Experts

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