Cultivate Blog

Posted by Jenny McGee on 4/13/21 2:00 AM

Backed by ongoing research, “employee burnout” is a trending topic making headlines as people continue working remotely. So, is burnout a consequence of doing all the things from home, including work and play? Or is burnout due to a lack of people feeling appreciated? This blog explores what burnout is and how organizations can prevent or reverse symptoms of burnout.

What is employee burnout?
recent survey by the career platform, Monster, found that 69% of people said they had experienced burnout in the past year. Burnout is defined as “chronic stress that has not been successfully managed.” Most people who report feeling burnt out say it impacts more than their performance and productivity, it also affects their wellbeing. The symptoms include increased anxiety and feelings of detachment from their work, low mood, difficulty concentrating, and lack of creativity.

With this kind of report, it’s tempting to assume that burnout is on the rise due to people’s work and personal lives blurring, pressure to perform, or because many haven’t taken a vacation in over a year. However, a recent report by Gallup tells a different story. According to burnout statistics, when people are supported and feel appreciated, there are significantly fewer symptoms affecting their overall wellbeing.

The report goes on to say, “engaged employees who have job flexibility tend to work more hours per week than the average employee and report higher wellbeing.” Meaning when people feel appreciated, motivated, and supported in their work, they do more work, and that work is significantly less stressful on their overall health and wellness. In other words, it’s not just the number of hours you work; it’s how you’re supported and how you experience work during those hours.



How to prevent or reverse burnout
Despite turning our calendars to 2021, ringing in the new year did not immediately sweep out our “new normal.” Zoom meetings and kitchen-tables-turned-classrooms and home offices will continue for some time. So, how can organizations appreciate people and, in turn, decrease symptoms of burnout?

report from the University of Southern California found that if companies take time to express gratitude to people, it can uplift morale and result in a better work environment. The same report goes on to point out, “Understanding the best ways to make people feel appreciated can help increase engagement, which is shown to be linked to many organizational outcomes, like turnover and performance.” And according to numerous articles, HR Professionals agree showing appreciation for employees is one of the most effective ways to combat burnout.

Our antidote to burnout? Gifting. An article by Forbes reports, “employees feel that their value at a company is reflected in the gifts they receive.” As the Gifting Experts, we know that one of the easiest ways to appreciate people is by gifting them a quality product of their choice. We also know that gifting takes time, and finding the right gift for people is hard. Enter: Virtual Gifting, an online gifting platform for anyone, anywhere. Delivering a gift of their choice directly to their inbox lets you save time, maximize your budget, and show your appreciation with something tangible. People browse a Curated Collection with gifts recommended by our team of experts who believe the right amount of choice makes people happy. And who doesn’t want to work with happy people?



It’s safe to say that burnout is real, but companies can reverse it or prevent it altogether. Research proves that appreciating people can lead to increased performance, productivity, job satisfaction, and wellbeing. Gifting is a great way to show appreciation, and our team is here to help. As you consider showing your appreciation with gifting, reach out—we’d love to tell you more.

Topics: Wellness

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