Cultivate Blog

Posted by Madeleine Denebeim on 6/4/24 9:30 AM

Now that we’re halfway through 2024, our Gifting Experts are breaking down which trends from the last six months are setting a new standard in the events industry. Keep reading for our essential takeaways.

Trend: Experimenting with AI

We’re starting it off with the buzzword heard around the world: Artificial Intelligence. AI is dominating headlines for a reason; its innovations create shortcuts to automate time-consuming tasks and focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. While new iterations offer innovative or time-saving solutions for event planners, the ever-changing landscape of AI means the different use cases will fluctuate. 


New standard: Sustainability

As consumers eagerly pursue sustainable options, it’s clear that event organizers must follow suit. Collaborating with vendors who champion eco-friendly alternatives enables you to diminish your event's carbon footprint and cut down on waste.

By prioritizing sustainability in event planning, you help preserve the environment and ensure the longevity of your event for years to come. Want to learn more about how we make sustainable gifting easier? Check out our Practical Guide to Sustainable Corporate Gifting here!

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Trend: Make It Experiential

Make no mistake, elevating your event to an ✨experience ✨ is necessary now more than ever. Corporate influencing, through LinkedIn posts or Instagram tags, can do wonders to bring in leads in the weeks following the meeting, and incorporating photo-worthy experiences is a shoo-in to making your event more memorable. 

At Cultivate, we’ve found that embracing trends is key to keeping events feeling fresh and unique. When building On-site Gifting programs this year, our in-house team has scoured the world to curate gift collections with the hottest brands and products. All done so your event attendees are appreciated with the latest and greatest in corporate gifting trends!


New Standard: Prioritizing Networking Over Event Content

With many industries working remotely, connecting with each other in “real life” is a clear priority for in-person events. To help your attendees make the most of these experiences, industry pros recommend creating lounge areas to make it easier for attendees to find like-minded people to connect with.

Other trends include incorporating health and wellness programs to break up the day’s schedule or trying out new engagement sessions like Braindate, which enables attendees to have intentional conversations with folks who share similar interests or work in similar industries.

Trend: Invest in Memorable Event Gifts

Finding the right gifts to commemorate your event can be time-consuming and expensive. If you're wondering how to get the biggest bang for your buck, letting recipients select an event gift of their choice is a way to guarantee your budget is well-spent on gifts that wow and not wasted. Plus, it eliminates the guesswork, saving you time, energy, and money in the long run.

We ensure a Return On Appreciation by gifting with choice. We’ve found that letting people select a meaningful gift creates longer-lasting feelings of reciprocity than gifting faux pas like wasteful tchotchkes or consumables. Inviting event attendees to shop a gift collection and choose their favorite item means they receive a gift they'll love, use, and remember who gave it to them. This experience creates a positive connection for the recipient between your event and the gift they received, which helps to ensure your investment pays off.

Disrupt HR Emails

Not to sound biased, but if there’s any new standard you should adopt this year, we think it should be gifting with Cultivate. After 14+ years of perfecting corporate and event gifting, our team of experts takes the stress out of planning your program and ensures your gift experience wows attendees. Interested in learning more? Browse the On-site Gifting Lookbook to learn everything about our event gifting options.   

Browse the Lookbook

Topics: Event Planning

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