Cultivate Blog

Posted by Madeleine Denebeim on 1/30/24 9:30 AM

If you've partnered with Cultivate in the past few years, then you know our stance on logo’d gifts has always been a hard no. But, as the industry evolves, so have our perspectives on branded gifts. Now, we're re-approaching how clients can add logos to their gifting options without diluting their value, premium feel, or usefulness. 


Celebrating their accomplishments in return celebrates the company's success, so wanting to personalize their gift makes sense. But as the Gifting Experts, we put people first and ask ourselves how we would feel after receiving something amazing only to have it overshadowed by a logo. Even with the best intentions on both sides, data suggests that companies who gift swag are 13x more likely to hurt their professional relationships. Alas, if you’re going to brand your gifts, at least approach it mindfully to not sour the experience with a glaring logo placement. 


Keep reading for our guide on striking the perfect balance between incorporating a tasteful logo and delivering real appreciation through corporate gifting. 


Make sure the gift itself is amazing

If you're set on adding your logo, the gift has to be so good that people wouldn't necessarily mind. That means it must be premium quality from a recognizable brand. This works best with unique, functional gifts that are all about performance. Branding a premium product, like a Therabody massage gun, doesn’t affect its performance — they’ll be more focused on their new portable masseuse to worry about a logo on the handle. On the other hand, a cheaper massage gun with prominent branding makes it obvious to people where you prioritized your budget. 

Alternatively, if you want to gift swag like water bottles for larger events, ensure it’s good quality or made by a recognizable brand so it gets used (probably after some strategic sticker placement over your logo!). Dinky plastic water bottles are shoo-ins for donation piles and landfills. 


Minimize your logo

With 91% of professionals saying they wouldn’t wear company swag in public, don’t add branding directly to gifts that are meant to be visually enjoyed. As a rule of thumb, let the product’s own logo have the spotlight, not your own. 

Use a monochromatic palette for the logo, or make a textural logo by matching the embroidery thread or vinyl sticker to the color of the item. This makes it look and feel less promotional. Trust us; they will appreciate your thoughtful compromise!


Try this: Brand food and beverage instead

We know that while gifts are great ways to go above and beyond when hosting an event, food of some kind is required to keep people happy. 🤤 Whether you set up a buffet or host a sit-down meal, adding your logo to some of the food at your event is a cute and surprising way to incorporate your branding without forcing your guests to take it home. 

Foodpicks with your logo stuck into appetizers or edible screen-printed cupcakes or cookies are easy ways to brand treats they’ll enjoy. Plus, unlike branded swag that is thrown away or forgotten about in the back of the closet, these logos can be consumed or sustainably DIYed with compostable materials!


Brand consumable add-ons 

Use your branding as a subtle wink to your company without getting away from the gift’s main purpose. Consumable products like sun protection are great because your logo doesn’t affect the actual product in the tube.

At Cultivate, we’re reproaching branded gifting options through our Add-Ons, Pre-event, and Room Drop gifting options! Add-Ons are designed to complement your event, and our Aloe Up Collection is a popular choice for incentive trips. You can add your logo to the reusable pouches or packaging while ensuring that every person basking in the sun is protected with SPF. 

Want to see a preview of our available Pre-event and Room Drop gifting options that can be branded? Check out our On-site Gifting Lookbook and flip to page 8.

Brand your gift’s accessories

In addition to Add-Ons, Pre-event, and Room Drop gifts, we also offer custom pairings that align with our eyewear and footwear categories. Customizable shoe bags, sunglasses pouches, and cleaning cloths are great ways to reinforce your appreciation each time they use them day-to-day — sans additional logos or branding.

Another easy way to brand clothing without permanence is personalized zipper pulls! Easy to add, remove, and repurpose, zipper pulls are minimal ways to incorporate branding on premium apparel and ensure they will enjoy wearing it. These accessories are always so handy to have; people don’t mind what’s printed on them! Function over form, people!!

If you’re searching for ways to deliver premium yet personalized gifts people will love, use, and remember, look no further than Cultivate. Our team not only scours the world to find the best brands and products on the market, but we’re constantly evaluating ways to help you achieve your gifting goals — even if that means adding a logo. 

To learn more about the ways we can help you personalize the entire gifting experience, be it online or on-site, connect with an expert. We’d love to tell you more!

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