Cultivate Blog

Posted by Madeleine Denebeim on 5/8/23 8:00 AM

As more and more are discovering the game of golf, its demographics are widely expanding, meaning tournament season will be busier than ever. Building an inclusive event culture takes effort and mindfulness from the inside out — thanking vendors or suppliers at your events and rewarding the winning players are wonderful ways to reinforce your appreciation for their participation and leave a positive, lasting impression. Why waste an opportunity to make people feel appreciated and recognized for something as generic as food and beverage gifts? 

In this week’s blog feature, our experts share why consumable gifts are no cakewalk.


Forsake the cake.

Consumables like gourmet food baskets and wine as prizes or thank-you gifts are more hassles than they’re worth. After 18 holes, the last thing a player wants to do is lug a heavy basket of perishable foods that likely won’t be eaten along with their clubs to the car. On top of the fact that these gifts are always overwrought with excessive packaging like single-use plastic wrapping, the food is often shelf-stabilized sweet and salty snacks with little nutritional value and are laden with preservatives to last the packaging and shipment process. And we haven’t even started to consider the 160+ foods identified to cause food allergies and dietary restrictions. 

Another reason to forsake the cake? Whether you walk the course or whiz through by cart, many golfers use the sport as a minimal-impact way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The unhealthy variety of treats preselected in perishable gift bags can be completely antithetical to an athlete's dietary needs. The sugary temptation makes it difficult for people to stick to their health and wellness goals.



The solution you’ve been searching for.

If the same old snack baskets are dragging you down, then partnering with Cultivate is the solution you’re searching for. Our on-site and online solutions help you deliver personalized and inclusive appreciation without needing to tip your caddy extra to carry your gift. Most importantly, gifting with the concept of choice allows everyone to select a gift that suits their interests and celebrates their individuality.

Elevate these special occasions and eliminate the guesswork commonly associated with gifting to golfers. And, because we only partner with premium brands that offer quality products, our gifting solutions generate a positive return on your company’s investment compared to traditional gifts like branded merchandise, chocolates, and easily forgotten flowers. 

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Ready to revamp your tournaments and golfing events with our expert appreciation strategies? Connect with Cultivate we’d love to tell you more!

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